Please help us to support our Charities by making your Amazon Purchases via this link:
Please help us by clicking on the banner above each time you buy something from Amazon. When you click on the banner before you make your purchase, we receive a small percentage of the order value which we can donate to local Charities. It won't cost you a penny but it makes a big difference to our Charities.
To make a purchase, click the banner above and you will be taken to Amazon. You make your purchase in the usual way and we receive a small commission.
Please use the banner every time you visit Amazon.
Many thanks.
Christmas Collections 2019
2019 Christmas Float dates will be published soon..
Please remember to click on the Amazon button above if you are making a purchase from Amazon this year, every purchase made via our site banner will help us raise more for our local Charities. Thank you.
We have had many request for information about how to make a donation to help us help our Charities. If you would like to make a donation, please click the button below and you can donate using any major debit or credit card or your Paypal account.
We guarantee that 100% of your donation will go to our Charities.